Swainsboro-Emanuel County Recreation Department will hold its annual Daddy-Daughter Dance Friday evening, Feb. 12, from 7 until 9 p.m. at the Recreation Department Gym, 632 McLeod Bridge Road, Swainsboro. (Mark Williams Studio will be set up to take pictures from 5:30 until 6:30 p.m.) The dance is for girls, ages 4 to 12, and their daddy (or an adult escort). Cost is $20 per couple. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 safety guidelines, gym capacity restrictions will apply and the dance will be limited to 50 couples. No exceptions. Also, no one except dance couples will be permitted inside the gym. Refreshments will be limited and masks will be strongly encouraged.
Preregistration is required and will only be taken until the restricted limit is filled. For information, call Swainsboro-Emanuel County Recreation Department at 237-8098.