The Downtown Development Authority’s (DDA) main objective is to foster a healthy, thriving economy in downtown Swainsboro. The DDA is comprised of seven members who make up a Board of Directors and a full-time Director. The Director implements the goals of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and the policies of the Main Streets Program. The DDA takes an active role in revitalizing the C6-D region through expanded cultural programming, promotion of the region, recruitment of new businesses, grant-seeking for restoration projects, and education and outreach for local businesses.

Board of Directors
Anna Gambrell, Chair
Kristin Hall, Vice Chair
Del Brown
Shaye Davis
Bryant Lewis
Nick Robertson
Sara Young
Mayor Bennett, Ex-Officio
Ken Warnock, Ex-Officio
Michael Bright, Ex-Officio
Meeting Schedule
The DDA meets every third Tuesday of the month at Swainsboro Fire Headquarter in Downtown Swainsboro at 9am.
Melissa Kirby
Director of Downtown Development
101 West Main Street
Swainsboro GA 30401
Phone: (478) 237-7025
Fax: (478) 237-3358
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-4:30pm