Local and State Incentives
The State of Georgia provides a wide variety of statutory and negotiated incentives for eligible projects. Being qualified as a Tier I county allows firms locating in Emanuel County for EXTRA incentives at the highest level provided by the State. As an active and interested business partner, the Swainsboro/Emanuel County Joint Development Authorities will work with companies to provide the most attractive incentive packages, commensurate with the scope of the project.
For more information on local and state development incentives click here or contact Jack Bareford, President of the Swainsboro/Emanuel County Joint Development Authorities at (478) 237-6426 or jbareford@goemanuel.org.
Downtown Business Incentives
The Downtown Development Authority of Swainsboro works to offer a variety of incentive packages for businesses looking to locate within the C6-D zoning district of the city. These incentives are allocated only to new businesses locating within the downtown area as defined by the Downtown Development Authority, and are intended to promote new businesses from the retail and restaurant sectors. For more information on the Downtown Business Incentives please contact the Director of Downtown Development at (478) 237-7025.
Tax Exemptions
Swainsboro and Emanuel County exempts up to 100% of manufacturer’s inventory under the local option Freeport law. Industrial and warehouse inventories are exempt from property taxes if the inventory is destined to be shipped out of state. In addition, the Joint Development Authorities will work closely with your industrial company in formulating a local incentives package that will be very competitive. Sales and Use taxes differ from industry to industry. For more information on Georgia Sales and Use Tax click here or contact the Swainsboro/Emanuel County Joint Development Authorities at (478) 237-6426.