Downtown Swainsboro Holiday Drive-In Movie
6:00 pm
Thursday, December 3, 2020
The Downtown Development Authority of Swainsboro is excited to host a Holiday Drive-In Movie on Thursday, December 3rd, at the new parking lot at 119 East Main Street in Downtown Swainsboro (former location of Schwabe Motor Co.). The double feature will include the classic Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Olaf's Frozen Adventure.
The event is free to the public, but spaces must be reserved in advance at https://swainsboroholidaydrivein.eventbrite.com.
Drive-Thru visits with Santa will be offered. Be sure the little ones bring their letters for the Big Guy, as he will be collecting them to carry back to the North Pole.
Free popcorn will be provided by the Swainsboro Kiwanis Club. No other concessions will be offered. Please take this opportunity to order a take-out meal from a local restaurant to enjoy during the movie.
Please adhere to social distancing guidelines. Everyone is asked to remain in their vehicles for the duration of the event, including the visits with Santa.
For more information, follow along on Facebook.