City Hall
The City Hall Building was built in 1908 at the crossroads of Highway 80 and US 1 in downtown Swainsboro. Originally built as Citizens Bank, the building still contains two large safes and original artwork contracted in the 1930’s. The building was converted into City Hall in the 1971 and now houses the Mayor’s Office, the Building Department, Downtown Development, and the City Administrator’s office. During the buildings conversion, the main entrance was changed from the Southwest corner to its current position on West Main Street. The City Hall Building is located at 101 West Main Street and is open Monday-Friday, 9am-4:30pm.
Edna Reindel Mural
“Experimenting with the First Model of the Cotton Gin” was a mural painted by Edna Reindel in 1939 for the Works Progress Administration (WPA). The mural depicts Eli Whitney consulting his plans while he instructs workers on the operation of the cotton gin. Whitney’s invention hugely increased the volume of cotton processed and made the cultivation of cotton extremely lucrative for the American South. Known as one of America’s foremost painters and sculptors, Reindel completed several murals between 1937 and 1942. The mural is located in the annex of the Emanuel County Courthouse and can be viewed during regular Courthouse hours, Mon-Fri., 8am to 5pm.
Patriots Square
Situated at the crossroads of U.S. 1 and U.S 80 in downtown Swainsboro, Patriot’s Square has been recognized as being one of Georgia’s most beautiful downtown Squares. Offering a unique setting that includes palm trees, a large fountain and a beautifully landscaped area, Patriot’s Square is one of Swainsboro’s most recognizable and striking features. Swainsboro’s downtown square has a number of monuments paying tribute to the men and women who have served our country, state and county. Patriot’s Square also features a state of the art sound system that plays continuous music and sets a relaxing mood for visitors and community members to downtown Swainsboro. Patriot’s Square is located on the corner of North Main Street and West Main Street.
The Historic Dixie Theatre
Opened in 1934 by William and Fannie Mae Karrh at 107 North Green Street, The Dixie Theatre was Swainsboro’s second movie theater. This single screen cinema contained lower level and balcony seating and played new movies seven days a week until the late 1960s. The theater was recently donated to the City of Swainsboro by the Karrh family for renovation. The Barbara & Tobe Karrh Community Arts Center featuring the Historic Dixie Theatre will show first-run movies, host live performances, house offices and gallery space for the Emanuel Arts Council, and include community event and educational space. Follow along with the progress of the renovation here.